
The wineries of Abruzzo have been oriented to international markets for some time: Germany is the symbol of the foreign market, the increase in turnover with the USA, Canada, followed by Switzerland and England is very interesting (Qualivita).

Colline Teramane has been involved for some time togheter the wine system of Abruzzo to increase the qualitative perception of its main denomination: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. It’s confirmed by this figure: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is in the top three of the sales ranking in the large-scale retail trade.

The Colline Teramane Consortium, in the last two years, has invested in promotion on the US market, the aim is to make the Colline Teramane DOCG known as a high quality wine.

For this we will take advantage of the opinion of professionals and friends of the Colline Teramane Consortium, to have their own opinion.

Today we ask Michéle Shah, wine marketing and criticism consultant, to organize an event with tastings and conferences.


Michéle, for your work you are in contact with journalists and wine market operators from all over the world. How has the perception of Abruzzo wine changed in Europe and the USA? In particular, can you give some information on the positioning of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo on the US market?


Abruzzo to emerge as Toscana e Piemonte must promote companies at the international level more strongly. In recent years, I have known many Abruzzo wineries that produce high quality. Montepulciano d’Abruzzo and its production areas have all the characteristics to produce among the best wines of Italy: biodiversity, sustainability, and tradition. There is only a need for a better union, collaboration, and sharing among the best crossbow producers, as well as a more effective and continuous promotion. Abruzzo must make better use of its tourism and also wine-tourism, to make itself known.

“Mature” markets such as those in Europe and the USA know well-known names like Pepe, Illuminati, Masciarelli, and Valentini, important wineries. But they do not yet know the potential of many other realities that produce excellent quality Montepulciano d’Abruzzo.


Today small and medium-sized importers need to know who makes excellent Montepulciano d’Abruzzo at competitive prices with high quality. Producers who want to stay in these markets can follow the current trends: drinkable, elegant wines. This speech is certainly valid for European markets, in the USA are also appreciated wines with structure, and here for its great structure, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo can act as a lion.